80.64 km. 952m ascent. 4h03 ride time
Today we actually got a decent breakfast at the hotel. That’s the first time since we set off!

Another beautiful ride through Kentucky. It was super humid today at 96% humidity and quite warm in the upper 30s but such beautiful countryside.

We stopped at a sign ‘cyclists rest’ next to an abandoned house to see what was going on. There is a shower at the back of the house and a toilet as well as a sturdy covered area. Cyclists can camp there for free. While we were refilling our bottles with the fresh water provided, the owner drove up to say hello. She brought us some banana bread to take on our journey. How kind is that? Another cyclist arrived a bit later, but he was travelling light and moving faster than us, so we didn’t get to ride together.

We also passed a church with a sense of humour

Our destination was the Hometown Inn, slightly rundown with flakey paintwork but the rooms are big and clean