83.88 km. 734m ascent. 4h08 ride time
After a good night’s sleep in our tent at the lake we set off around 07:36 in cool but sunny conditions. This is the first day when we have set off with temperatures under 19C for quite a long time now.

A beautiful day and although the wind was against us, it was negligible at about 6km/h. The countryside was also beautiful and the traffic very light. A perfect ay for ride!

Today was to be a relatively short one because we wanted to visit the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln near Buffalo. The park has a visitor centre with the history and, of course a monument to mark the spot. Beautifully kept grounds and a nice walk through the forest. Definitely worth a visit

We have a motel this evening so we have to go out to eat. The manager recommended ’Little Mexico’ which is 2 Km up the road. We took his advice and it was good advice !

Excellent food and more than even a hungry cyclist needs at a very reasonable price 🤩