Hutchinson to El Dorado. 132.08 km. 624m ascent. 6h33 ride time

Hard and hot. It was already over 30C at 08h00 and only got hotter…. The wind was supposed to abate around midday and also change direction, it didn’t.

The temperature was supposed to go down to 24C by 17h00, it didn’t.
Our problem was we had decided to camp, thinking that the weather would be better for camping
We did save 2 tortoises though 👌

That last bit where we turned south was full into the 40kmh wind. Nearly destroyed our morale with temperatures between 38-42C. Even the wind was hot and no shade anywhere 🥵🥵

We couldn’t sleep in our sauna tent, we were soaked from sweat just lying still so we got up again and sat outside for an hour longer. At least outside there was a wind.
The sanitation was by far the worst we have experienced on this trip. The shower was almost unusable but we had no other choice