Lyons to Hutchinson
50kmh wind with gusts to 82kmh. And guess in which direction? Full on headwind for us

Up at 05:30 to avoid the heat and breakfast across the road from our motel at Scrambled Sam’s at 06:00

Then full on headwind. We couldn’t even average 15km/h against the wind. We took 2km stints up front and did the best we could stopping in Sterling which is a nice town

Between Stirling and Nickerson the road took a 90° left so the wind then became cross wind which was much better for us

We arrived at Harley’s bike shop to find there was also the RAK (ride across Kansas) with some 700 riders making a stop at Harley’s. We left Stef’s wheel to be re-spoked and went to the Kansas Cosmosphere to see the very interesting exhibition about the space race and the history of rocket science

We spent most of the afternoon at the exhibition before going shopping for supper and returning to Harley’s for Stef’s back wheel.

We visited the brewery next to the farmer’s market (good beer but way overpriced at nearly $7 a beer! 😱