Walden to Kremmling. 129.87km. 901m ascent. 6h04 ride time
Today we went over the Willow Creek pass at 2,950m which, I think, is the highest so far. We have been above 2,000m for the past week so reasonably well acclimatised to the elevation ( Sorry America, I can’t bring myself to say acclimated 😱)

The first 50km were gently uphill before the real climb of ~16km began. It turned out to be a relatively easy ride to the pass and we all arrived more or less at the same time

The descent was 17km against a strong wind and the entire distance was through burnt forest. Thousands of tonnes of wood destroyed by fire. Anyone who doubts the effects of global warming should come and see the result here

Once down to the turning to Granby we had lunch and parted with Rich after 2,906km together in 28 days. It was a puncture he had combined with the Sam’s Warmshowers host that brought us together and we really enjoyed spending all this time with him

Our last 40km were supposed to be downhill but the wind rather negated that little advantage so we were glad to arrive at our campground