Wisdom to Dillon. 113.63km. 804m ascent. 5h30 ride time
What a day! Huge skies, cold but clear and sunny ☀️

We had 2 climbs and another highest peak at 2,243m on the Big Hole pass and we have been maintaining altitude above 1600m for several days now

The views were breathtaking with snow covered mountains all around us but a huge expanse of pasture land in the flat lands between
Jackson was to be our last chance to buy food for lunch and get a coffee but everything was closed except the hotel/post office where a very kind postmistress made us coffee (no charge!)

So lunch was what we could scrounge off Rich (tortillas) with cheese and some coffee with granola bars at the side of the road before the 2nd climb.

After Badger Pass it was all the way downhill for 30km 🚴🏼🚴🏼🚴🏼😀 to Dillon and the hostel

Larry the initiative holder for the hostel, followed later by John, came past and gave us loads and loads of tips and information about the surrounding area and Yellowstone

Danke für die täglichen Berichte. Es ist schön, an Euerm Erlebnis teilnehmen zu können. Wunderschöne Fotos, aber auch harte Arbeit für Euch … Super!!!
Liebe Grüße an Steph
Geniet ervan, mannen !!
Echt knap ginder (en soms echt Amerikaans)
Groetjes, Heidi (van Jan van Lies)
mooi foto’s, mooie wolken