Darby to Wisdom. 93km 1,192m ascent
Today we left our Warmshowers host Curtis to go over the Chief Joseph pass. Our highest pass so far at 2,216m

The first 2 hours were gentle climbing to Sula where we had a last coffee (also the last chance to top up on water and food before Wisdom)

After that the real climb began. I had palmed off 2kg of tent on Stef and felt the difference. (So did he 😓). We met another cyclist on long distance just before the summit, Frankie from New York

Still quite a lot of snow on the top of the pass >1m.

After the pass it was tailwind and almost entirely downhill to Wisdom although we did stop at the Big Hole battlefield (closed on Sunday)

Along the way there was a huge amount of burnt forest giving an eerie atmosphere to the ride

After a bit of snow storm we arrived in Wisdom where we had pre booked a motel as the weather was bad and it was going down to -3C at night