Lochsa to Missoula 105km. 710m ascent
Today started again with a climb this time up to 1600m so our highest peak so far

Unfortunately the views were nothing to write about as everything was covered by clouds. It was cold but at least dry.

After a warmup and some coffee it was downhill for the rest of the day 🤩. Plus we crossed into Montana and lost an hour with changing to Mountain Time

Our destination was a Warmshowers hosts Sherri, Craig & Zak Kenyon

We rolled up around 15:00 and dropped our luggage to ride with Craig to the American Adventure Cycling HQ in Missoula.

Greg kindly led us through town to get to HQ where we got free ice cream and our picture on the wall of fame

Again we met up with John and Lisa Manotti with whom we had spent a pleasant evening and supper at the Lochsa Lodge. I hope our paths will cross again
The evening with the Kenyons was super. They fed us more home cooking than we could eat and we enjoyed discussing all sorts of topics. A great place to stay, get washed and cleaned up and ready to go again
Hing Wouter (van de Fietstocht op Iedereen Beroemd), ertussen op de Wall of Fame?
Ze zijn daar overal wel gewoon om Bikers te zien, te ontmoeten en onderdak te geven.
veel plezier nog,
en hopelijk wordt het wat warmer!
Ik heb niets gezien maar ook niet gezocht 😓
Hier is Warmshiwers heel verbreid en de mensen zijn super vriendelijk 🤗
Hier is Warmshowers heel verbreid en de mensen zijn super vriendelijk 🤗