106km. 717m ascent
Another grotty day ahead. Although it didn’t start raining immediately it did start earlier than forecast 😓

Today was 1 long ride upstream and surprisingly hard 105km with no chance to freewheel. Even though the grade was seldom greater than 2% it was a slog

The biggest compensation was the fantastic rapids we passed. I had hoped to see mor canoes and rafting but we only saw 2 kayakers all day

I was really glad when we eventually reached our little cabin for the night.

The cabin was great, no sanitation, no running water and only a wood burning stove for heat it was still great

zo te lezen is het toch zwaar, maar wel een mooi avontuur, denk ik,
geniet met je maten daar en er zijn wel steeds mooie hutten of verblijven om te slapen