Miserable! We set off in pouring rain and 5C so we weren’t too motivated but as we have a time limit on this trip we have no choice but to ride

We started on the scenic old 101 which was deserted of traffic and really beautiful with huge lichen covered trees all around

After that climb through the forest we descended to Otis to grab a bit of lunch from the only shop before joining the highway
From here on and for the remaining 80km we had cold rain and masses of truck spray as our only companion. Oh, I almost forgot the 30km/h headwind to top it off.
But we had a Warmshowers host waiting for us Curt and Barbara in Independence near Monmouth. They were superb hosts and very entertaining. They fed us more than we could eat. And they had 2 garages. Roadside the house looked ‘normal’ but out back was a hangar with direct taxiway to the airstrip!

Both he and Barbara are pilots and have a plane each in their garage! I didn’t think that existed anywhere except Australia. You live and learn
Great you found a warm shower at the end of such a tough day 😀
Yep. Warmshowers is a fantastic organisation of cyclists hosting cyclists