Easy day after all the problems

We had a super WS host again tonight (Jim and Jill). Home cooking, home made cookies, home made yoghurt, home brewed beer. Quite an inspirational couple with a beautiful house looking out over the 3 Sisters. We had a tailwind which helped us and, at last, dry and sunny weather 😉 Because we had a…

Snow stops ride

We have stopped at the general store to take a weather check and it is not good. Only 1 lane in each direction and no hard shoulder so definitely not a risk worth taking We are at 400m here and it looks like the snow line is at 500. The pass is 1450m We are…

TransAmerica day 5

Today was relatively easy. We had uphill all the way but a gentle tail wind pretty much negated the gentle ascent. It’s the 4 day of almost continuous rain so we are ready for some better weather After 22km I got our first puncture. Luckily the rain eased up for me to fix it. Funnily…

TransAmerica day 4

A flat ride up the valley we thought, no need to set off early we thought, it will be a doddle / an easy day we thought WRONG We had gale force headwinds for 103 km! Luckily we had a WarmShowers host waiting for us in Eugene. We were royally treated by Jens and Shelly…

TransAmerica day 3

Miserable! We set off in pouring rain and 5C so we weren’t too motivated but as we have a time limit on this trip we have no choice but to ride We started on the scenic old 101 which was deserted of traffic and really beautiful with huge lichen covered trees all around After that…

TransAmerica day 2

Today we hoped to take the Bay Ocean Road which has been closed due to landslides. Unfortunately it is still closed after all the years So we cut across on the 131 and went back down to the coast. Big trees and big views were the order of the day before a steep 3km climb…