Snow stops ride

We have stopped at the general store to take a weather check and it is not good. Only 1 lane in each direction and no hard shoulder so definitely not a risk worth taking We are at 400m here and it looks like the snow line is at 500. The pass is 1450m We are…

TransAmerica day 5

Today was relatively easy. We had uphill all the way but a gentle tail wind pretty much negated the gentle ascent. It’s the 4 day of almost continuous rain so we are ready for some better weather After 22km I got our first puncture. Luckily the rain eased up for me to fix it. Funnily…

TransAmerica day 4

A flat ride up the valley we thought, no need to set off early we thought, it will be a doddle / an easy day we thought WRONG We had gale force headwinds for 103 km! Luckily we had a WarmShowers host waiting for us in Eugene. We were royally treated by Jens and Shelly…