60.20km. 714m ascent. 3h23 ride time
A relatively short day today to bring us to our Warmshowers host and time to visit Thomas Jefferson’s house. We’ll worth the visit.

Stopped for coffee at Wyants Store, which has been there since the dawn of time and had a great conversation with the Liars Club. At first I thought they said they were the Lions Club, but I miss heard what the said (probably due to the accent 🤣)

We had great fun chatting with them before continuing to our Warmshowers host in Charlottesville, Stavros, a great guy but he doesn’t have his housekeeping completely under control. We left our bags at his house and continued on to Monticello. It’s expensive to visit (too expensive in my opinion) but a great place all the same

We went out with him to meet up with his cycling friends at the Champion Brewery and had a great evening there.