West Yellowstone to Bridge Bay campground. 101km. 957m ascent. 5:43 ride time
We had been looking forward to this day for quite a while and our expectations were more than met. Today was to be a sightseeing day following tips we got from Larry in Dillon
We saw bison, a lot of bison! and the scenery is stunning

I don’t think I can describe the beauty of the area well enough. We took the northern loop clockwise from Madison and saw: Bison, geysers, mud pools, boiling pools, more bison, Elk…..

And we entered Wyoming 😊

We arrived at our overnight campsite Bridge Bay Campsite, which was virtually deserted. The campsite is very basic with no hot water, no shop, no showers but the only one open which we could use. Everything has to be put into the metal containers to protect us from bears.