Progress report. Sunday 5 June
3223km. (47%) ridden so far 25,731m (46%) climbed so far 3764km and 29,909m to go
3223km. (47%) ridden so far 25,731m (46%) climbed so far 3764km and 29,909m to go
Kremmling to Silverthorne. 67.61km. 761m ascent. 3h34 ride time We left our campsite in Kremmling after a good night’s sleep and only ~65km to ride to bring us to the bottom of the biggest climb on the TransAmerica Trail The scenery was breathtaking but as we had a bit of time on our hands so…
Walden to Kremmling. 129.87km. 901m ascent. 6h04 ride time Today we went over the Willow Creek pass at 2,950m which, I think, is the highest so far. We have been above 2,000m for the past week so reasonably well acclimatised to the elevation ( Sorry America, I can’t bring myself to say acclimated 😱) The…
Riverside to Walden. 79.25km. 807m ascent. 4h08 ride time Today we left our campsite for a gradual climb all day with just 1 decent hill. The road had been ground off for the first 6km so the surface was rough and the wind was against us 🥵 The road was pretty quiet but just before…
We have ridden 3,027km. (44%) We have climbed 24,137m (48%) We still have 3,953km and 31,603m to go
Ancient music